The SHARP Survey

It takes a village to provide our children the support they need and deserve. We're proud to call the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, and their administration of the SHARP Survey, as part of our village. The SHARP Survey serves as a guide for our prevention efforts. We could not help the families of Pleasant Grove without the data it provides.

What is the SHARP Survey?

SHARP is Confidential

Nothing your child reports can be linked to them or your family. Results are reported at a local level and available online. Your family’s privacy is a priority.

SHARP is Voluntary

Your child’s participation in the survey is completely voluntary and requires your permission. Your child may stop the survey at any time or skip questions if they choose.

SHARP is Safe

Asking students about substance use or mental health does not cause psychological or other harm. The opposite is true—open discussion about those behavior can prevent them.

SHARP is Accessible

The survey is accessible both for students and parents. Students take the SHARP Survey at school, and it only takes 45 minutes. Parents can access the SHARP Survey questions online.

SHARP is Valid Data

SHARP questions have undergone a peer-reviewed validation process and provides accurate data about the state of our children’s wellbeing.

SHARP Can Support You

You can use the SHARP Survey as a guide to initiate conversations with your children about the challenges they are facing. The questions in the survey are available for parents to see on the SHARP Survey website so we can discuss them with our kids.






You Can Support SHARP

All school districts in Utah are in the midst of deciding whether they will participate in the SHARP Survey in the spring of 2025. Contact your child’s school now to make sure they will be participating! You can find all schools’ contact information at this website.